Tuesday 7 July 2009


Do you remember when, a couple of weeks ago we went to the RAF museum for father's day?
We heard a lovely wind orchestra performing a vast repertoire of 40's music... When we came home I was still thrilled by the lovely day and I decided to check their website out... They are called the "Kew Wind Orchestra" and they are the top amateur wind band in the UK, they won a bunch of awards and entered competitions all over Europe... so what did I do? I sent an e-mail to the director posing as Andrew, writing about his training and availability to play as a sub if they needed him, and guess what? The next day e-mails started pouring in, asking him to substitute for the second flute at a concert that same Saturday... so he did!
I drove him to rehearsal on Thursday and we went as a family to hear daddy play on Saturday afternoon, it was magical! I always had a soft spot for musicians and being married to one makes me feel so special! We arrived at the venue before it was open to the public and we for the first time I could say "I'm with the band!" I felt such a groupie!
Ooops... wrong kind of band... anyway... it was great, just that poor daddy was baking and almost got sunburned... all dressed in black under the baking sun! (it was an open air concert) anyway we had a great day and as usual we were very proud of him!

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