Monday 23 March 2009


Both the girls have many nicknames, (some more embarrassing than others) but none more spot on than "Tumpie" for Kim... I'll explain... When Kim was very small she used to get over excited and over tired as most kids do, but when that happened she used to fall a lot and be extra clumsy! 
Why am I writing in the past tense!? She still gets over excited and is -more often than not- one of the clumsiest people I have ever met!
As a toddler every time she fell down I used to say "Tump" to mimic the sound of my lovely bag of potato falling and scraping things I didn't even know could be scraped (can someone please explain how can you scrape an armpit... wearing LONG sleeves!?!?) hence the nickname "Tumpie". 
Anyway, an afternoon at the beginning of March I was feeling particularly crabby, and Sabrina (my private angel/best friend/partner in various "crimes") had the blessed idea to take her kids and mine to a place called Topsy Turvy, a sort of padded kid's kingdom with slides, balls and nasty juice and nuggets while I stayed at home to rest.
Now... this is England... land of absurd "Health and Safety" policies... in the past few years those Health and safety spoilsports have made everything that should be exciting and fun really dull and boring in the name of safety... believe me, these places are SAFE... I mean they are definitely hurricane proof... but apparently they failed the "Tumpie Test"!
Kim managed to hurt her head and ended up spending a night in hospital with a suspected broken neck... now... that might sound scary to read, but she was in high spirit all the way through and we all sort of sensed she was ok... needless to say that she was good to go the very next day and has been perfectly fine ever since.
So... I present to the world "Tumpie the Great"!
My pride and clumsy joy!  


1 comment:

Joyce said...

Tumpie! So glad you are ok. Slow down and take care from now on...