Friday 21 November 2008

New job!

Andrew got a job, Andrew got a job!
I am sooooo happy!
It's perfect! His office is in this white building in Whetstone a 15 minutes bus ride North from our home! 
I mean... 15 minutes! 
That is an INCREDIBLE commute for anywhere, but for London... woooow !
He had an interview on Tuesday, got the phone call confirming he got the job that same evening and... started on Thursday!
In this climate of financial uncertainty we were going to be grateful for any job anyway, but the fact that this was his first serious job interview in the UK makes the whole affair really impressive in my opinion!
I'm so  proud of the fact that he was snapped up so quickly!
I'm very proud, but not surprised at all!
I knew from the start that the Brits could not resist him... I mean... he's got all the qualities that a prospective boss would look for: he's clever, honest, genuinely good at his job, his accent melodic and he's positively cute! (ok, ok... maybe the last two are optional, and being a newly wed I guess I am slightly biased, but hey, I rather employ somebody nice to look at and pleasant to listen to... don't you?!) 
Anyway... how could anyone ever resist him!?
He seems to enjoy his new job... he works as a web developer in a big-ish company that has it's hands in many different "pots".
That's very good for him, as he is asked to work on a number of projects rather than stagnating on a particular one...
So Mr. Andrew Stamp is set to take London by storm!!! And Mrs Stamp is beaming!

1 comment:

Joyce said...

HOOORAY!!! that is great news! Congratulations especially in this economy that really is an accomplishment! We are all beaming with pride right along with you Mrs. Stamp!!! We miss you guys and wish you the best in the coming year!