Monday 27 April 2009

Royal Albert Hall !

Few weeks ago Andrew and I had a few hours to kill while the girls were at a Stake Primary activity in South Kensington, so we went to have a walk around in the park and took some pics... Usually I don't particularly like posting pictures of myself, but those are quite ok... plus I really love this place... I have always loved history, and Queen Victoria is one of my all times favorites historical characters, she was so small yet so strong and she loved her Albert with all of herself! I like that... you hardly ever find that in normal people, to find it in a royal couple is really really something special! ...and the memorial she built in his honor is magnificent!
When the light shines on his statue is something spectacular... anyway this is just a quick entry to say: 
                    HURRAY FOR LOVE !!!! 


Joyce said...

Are you even pregnant? You certainly can't tell. YOu look great! I love the Royal Albert Hall and memorial statue as well. I miss hoo hoo!

The Stamps said...

Ahahah I know, not much of a bump there yet....
But these pics are of last month's, you can see it a bit now, but it's still quite a pitiful one!
I want one of those "please m'am have my seat" kinda bump! Ahahaha last time I was pregnant I just looked extra fat! This time at least you see a nicely defined tummy, small... but it's there!
But somehow I am sure my extra big bump it's on his way! Especially looking at all the indian I'm eating these days.. something will definitely have to grow!
We all miss you here! Hope you're enjoying the US though....