Sunday 7 June 2009

So much news...

This is a much needed update... I have been so busy in the past few months that I forgot to note some very important and happy events!
Andrew's mum came to visit us for a few days over the Easter holiday, and we had a great time getting to know her and showing her London and surroundings.
I never met Andrew's mum and as you can imagine I was very nervous at the idea of meeting my mother in law for the very first time, but I didn't need to be, she is absolutely lovely, and we had a great time!
The pregnancy was progressing nicely and with the exception of a couple of days that I had to rest, I was able to run around London with them...
She is one of the most active women I have ever met, she looks super magnificent, so much so that when she went to the park by herself with the girls, and Kim met a friend from secondary school that assumed Lin was her mum!
Then, after a few weeks of "normal" everyday life, a friend of Andrew came to visit us...
She was one of the children in his ward eons ago when he was a primary teacher.
Somehow he became part of her family and now she is like a third daughter to him!
Her name is Brittney, she is an extremely pretty 19 year old girl, she came with a friend called Cami and they stayed for a few weeks. I loved having "real" teenagers around!
The house resembled a real bomb site, but it was a happy bomb site, and we can't wait to have them around again soon!
They would chat with our girls and showed them how to make s'mores!
They also filled their head with lots of fantastical tales of life in the States! Andrew was not that amused (he really is enjoying life in the UK) but our girls enjoyed every second of it!

The three beauties!

Brit and Kim shopping in Camden Town

The girls first s'mores!

What is with girls and shoes?!

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